
Monday, February 2, 2009

Giraffe Savannah (Kid Art)

This is Samantha's art project that she made while Jenna was writing her Giraffe Story for school. The tall giraffe in the back is from CTMH's Into the Wild. This is her explanation of her project: 

I made this cute little giraffe savannah thing. I drawed the baby giraffe in the front and the palm trees. I colored the grass with marker. I figured out how to bend the bottoms and glued them to the grass to make them stand up. I named one giraffe Savannah and one Congo. And that's all. Let me know what you think. Samantha.


specialcraftmom4 said...

This is just wonderful! Great job Samantha (:

Scrapping Julie said...


Anonymous said...

Samantha ,you did such a great job.. your drawings are so cute...

Jennifer Scull said...

I think you did a wonderful job! I never have been able to color giraffes very well, so I am very impressed with your work!! :)