I need to pass along some thanks for some recent blog awards that have been passed along to me. I am really amazed at the people that have come into my life through blogging, people that I would have probably never had the opportunity to meet because we live in different cities, different states and in some instances, different countries. People that I now consider friends, people than encourage me and teach me on a daily basis. So a huge thank you to everyone one of my new friends! The One Lovely Blog Award comes from Pat. Her blog is fairly new to me, but I love her style, her blog is always so bright and cheerful! I passed along this award last week to some other blogs that were new to me. Thank you Pat.

#2 You agree to post this proudly on your site and include a post linking back to the giver
#3 And because there are so many blogs out there that you like their style you will share this award with them...however many that might be...
Check out these blogs when you have a chance: or any of the other blogs listed on my sidebar. Lots of talent and inspiration there!
***Julie (Julie is my friend IRL and is the person I credit with getting me into this hobby)
Thanks again Sue and Pat!
How very sweet of you Gina! I'm honored to accept this award... and for the record... I love your style too! Hugs!
Congratulations! I know I enjoy checking your blog each week - well done!
congrats on your awards.
M.E. aka CMCMaryD@SCS
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