Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Exciting News!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Thanks a Latte
ETA: I love seeing everyone's face when they asked me what Kip got me for Christmas and my answer was "An air compressor". The looks ranged from pity to horror! My man knows me though and he knew that it would make me happy, and that anything that can be used in the crafting studio tops jewelry any day. The first gift he ever gave me was an avocado slicer. What a man!!
I have been working on some thank you cards for the Christmas presents that I received this year. This card is going to go to my parents as a thank you for the Keurig coffee machine that they gave us. I used a set called Thanks a Latte from Clear Dollar Stamps. I used some brown and white Liquid Appliques for the inside of the coffee mug. Papers are from DCWV.
Make sure you come back and visit tomorrow, I have an exciting announcement to share!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas
I want to take this time to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. I hope everyone is able to spend their holidays with family, not only the family you were born into, but the family that loves and supports you. Merry Christmas!!
Gina and Kip
I will be back to regular posting on Monday, I've been a bit negligent this week as I have been shopping, baking, wrapping and all those fun holiday preparations. In addition to my regular cooking, I am attempting homemade cinnamon rolls for the first time! My card tonight uses a digital image and sentiment from Shirley's 2 Girl's. After printing the image, I colored it with Copics and Gelly Rolls pens. I used some distress ink on the sentiment. This paper is from a pack that I got at Archivers this summer, but the cover is now lost and I can't remember who makes it. I took two pieces of the same paper and cut out the poinsettias along the border and used foam dots of differing thicknesses to give it some dimension. I also added some more poinsettias that are from Prima to finish my card. thanks for stopping by!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Altered Dominos
The first three are all done with Ranger alcohol inks and then were stamped with black Staz On and then I went around the edge with a gold pen. The stamp set is from Clear Dollar Stamps. The second was done using Copic refill (B01) and the pearl additive from the Ranger line. After I got it the color I wanted it, I embossed it with white embossing powder and edges it with the silver pen. The snowman is from a Studio G set.
Altered stuff,
Clear Dollar Stamps,
Studio G
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Happy Anniversary Kip
One thing we like to do is play along with the "traditional" wedding gift for each year and come up with something creative to go along with that theme. The gift for this year is fruit or flowers. Not the easiest thing to come up with a gift for a guy. I finally came up with making this tin of candy covered Oreos. They have a flower on the top! They were a little hard to get a picture of though. We are off to dinner now!

Copic Markers,
Mo's Digital Pencil
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Snowman and Friend
Monday, December 14, 2009
Pink Penguin
A funny story about this card though; as I was loading this card onto my gallery on SNR, I noticed that the card I made for the last Digi Day was also done with a pink and black color combo. I thought that was funny since it isn't a combo i use a lot but I used it on back to back challenges. Have a great night and thanks for stopping by!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Twisted Thursday--Glitter or Bling
We did something fun tonight. Our anniversary is Thursday and instead of buying each other really expensive gifts, we try to do something fun and new. Kip has been planning these activities but this year he said I could. His surprise was tickets to see the Star Wars Concert. Wow. I have seen most of the movies, and enjoyed them, but he is a big fan. It was awesome. Here is a link if you want to check out their website. The music and narration was just incredible and in the lobby they had lots of exhibits of props from the movies, costumes, backdrops and some of the handwritten music. It was very impressive. One of our friends from church was there, sitting a few rows behind us so I asked him to take a picture of us together as a memento of our anniversary celebration. Awww, I just love him so much!
Thanks for visiting! I am almost done with Christmas so I will get back to regular posting in the next few days or so. Have a great week!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Christmas Gifts
CC Designs,
Copic Markers,
Studio G
Monday, December 7, 2009
Christmas Stockings
How is everyone doing with their Christmas shopping? We were planning to go and hopefully finish up tonight, but I am still nursing a cold, feeling better, but not up for a marathon shopping even and Kip had to work late so we will have to go later in the week. I try to avoid all malls on the weekends leading up to Christmas though! As of right now I have exactly two gifts bought, my mom wanted craft supplies and my niece wanted a sign language book. Actually, my niece wanted the book I teach out of, but I found her one that included some flash cards, so I think she will still be happy. I have those two gifts and that's it! Have a great night!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
More Silver and Blue
Craft night was so much fin last night, I was able to color several images and now they just need to be made into cards. This morning though I woke up with a full blown cold. I feel icky and am headed back to bed now. My wonderful hubby is bringing me juice home and that always makes me feel better. Have a great rest of your weekend!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Twisted Thursday--Tin or Foil
Tomorrow night is Craft Night at church, so if you are in the area, make sure you join us. The only thing I will be working on is my Christmas cards. I did get an early start this year but there are several more on my list. I don't make a lot of the same design usually. One reason is that I get bored making the same thing over and over and the other reason is that I have so many Christmas images that I try to use as many as I can. I have several friends that collect snowmen so I have made several with this image. Thanks for visiting with me!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Gift Box
Copic Markers,
Shirley's 2 Girls,
Treat Holders
Monday, November 30, 2009
Banjo Playing Riley
I don't know about where you are, but it is COLD here today! Last week I could still wear short sleeves and today I wore a long sleeved thermal knit shirt and still froze to death! I hate wearing a coat, I will wear a couple of shirts just to keep from wearing a jacket. I guess it is time for cold weather since we are closing out November. We sat down and made out Christmas shopping list tonight. So far we have exactly one present bought and a lot more to go. Thanks for stopping by tonight!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
A Good Place for a Nap
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Gift Tags
I am back from my vacation! I think this is the longest amount of time I have been gone from my house in a long time. We started out last Friday and headed to my parent's house. Saturday morning, we got up early and went to eat breakfast with my Dad while mom slept in. Then we headed to South Carolina with an extra passenger than was originally planned. My eleven year old niece wanted to come with us. After we found the place where my class was going to be and went back to the hotel, Zoie was begging to stamp and color with me so I stamped her several images. She decided very quickly that she really liked my markers! By the end of the week, she was coloring and said "Now, I know what I am going to ask for for Christmas!". I just apologized to my brother for introducing her to Copics.
The next morning we headed to stamp store. Wow, what a day! I learned a lot in the class, some completely new things and several things that just added to some techniques that I already knew. Overall, it was definitely worth the driving time and cost. There was a lot of information presented in a short amount of time! I also saw two women that I had met at the Art Stamp Scrap Tour last year in Chattanooga, since I was so far away from home this time, I didn't think I would know anyone. so it was interesting to see people that I had met before. The store was awesome! They stocked the entire line of Sketch markers in addition to tons of other cool stuff.
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We did. We alternate holidays with my family and my in-laws and if we are visiting my family we have dinners at my grandparents' house. They still do a lot of the cooking and then everyone else just brings sides and desserts. My contribution this year was just cranberry sauce, it was very good though and my hubby and Dad loved it!
Anyone do any Black Friday shopping? I went out with my mom, but not early, we went around lunch time. I didn't buy anything, but she lucked up on a couple of deals. Have a great rest of the weekend. I have missed my crafting space and plan on spending the majority of the day in there!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Non traditional Card

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Christmas Tree Treat Box
Monday, November 23, 2009
Dinner Party Invites
Friday, November 20, 2009
Twisted Thursday--Ric Rak
I am headed out today to my Mom's and then the two of us are headed out on a girl's weekend to South Carolina. The Copic certification class is on Sunday and other than that, I am not sure what we are going to do. I am sure Mom will be looking for an antique store to shop in. I have a few things set to automatically post while I am gone and then I will probably add in some pictures from my trip here and there.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Happy Birthday Kip!
Wow, it's almost time for me to get up and get ready for work. I woke up around 2:30 and couldn't go back to sleep so I got up and started working on some craft stuff. I have cleaned my desk some, colored some imaged for some invitations that I am making, cut out some stuff and blogged about this card, all before it is time for me to actually get up. Work is going to be hard, because i will probably be ready to crash around 9:30! Thanks for visiting!
Clear Dollar Stamps,
Copic Markers,
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Scrap Challenge
Only three more working days until my trip! Does anyone else have any exciting plans for Thanksgiving? Since we will be traveling I won't have to do a lot of cooking, probably just make a dessert and cranberry sauce. My grandmother serves the cranberry jelly stuff straight from the can and I thought I didn't like cranberries. I have since found out that I do like them and have a couple of sauce recipes that I use. Thanks for visiting, I love your comments! P.S. Stephanie, I am still laughing about the comment about the bumper sticker!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Ahhh, Coffee
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Happy Birthday Digi
Speaking of birthdays, we celebrated Kip's tonight with his family and some friends. Our friend Mike took this picture for us. We had a great time and you can see some of his gifts there. Can you see how short my hair is? It's not tucked behind my shoulder. I decided to trim my hair last night and a little trim turned into about 5 1/2 inches or so. Oops. Now, it is right at the top of my shoulders. It feels pretty good. My hair is naturally curly and when Kip got home last night, it was brushed out straight and pulled back so he didn't notice. He left early for church and I was still in the shower, so he didn't see it until I showed up. He likes it though and so do I and I was ready for a change so all is good!

Copic Markers,
Digi Stamp,
Shirley's 2 Girls
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Twisted Thursday--Wire
Only one more week until my vacation! I am getting very excited about traveling to South Carolina for my Copic Certification class. Kip and I are going to my parent's house on Friday I think and then my mom and I will be heading to South Carolina on our own. My poor mom, she has gone to Indiana with me twice to take classes and is now going to be driving with me to Columbia, SC. She's getting a really nice Christmas gift! After we get back we will be hanging out there until Thanksgiving and then will head back here. I have the whole week off and Kip can work anywhere that he has an internet connection. I can't wait!
I mentioned the other day about my rather odd sense of humor. I thought I would share this conversation I had with my mom to show where it came from.
Me: So I guess after we get back from South Carolina, Kip and I will just hang out there until Thanksgiving.
Mom: Really?
Me: If that's okay and you can stand us that long.
Mom: I'll think about it.
Me: Well I guess we can find a shelter or somewhere to eat. I'm sure if we volunteer, they will give us a plate of turkey and dressing.
Mom: Well there is one on Wildwood Avenue.
Of course she was kidding, I think, but just shows you a little of where I get it from!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
My First Tilda Card and an Award
I have a confession to make: I buy embellishments all the time and then don't use them. I also save all manner of things thinking I can use them and then they sit in a drawer. And I don't even want to talk about all the ribbon I have that looks so pretty just sitting there. See that ribbon on my card? Left over from my wedding programs from almost four years ago! I have challenged myself to use all those beautiful things I have bought. So you should be seeing more cards wih embellishments.

My friend Mandy sent me an award!!! I'm excited to play!!
The objective is to answer these questions with one word. Ok here goes:
1. Where is your cell phone? Desk
2. Your hair? Brown
3. Your mother? Tired
4. Your father? Funny
5. Your favorite food? Soups
6. Your dream last night? Non
7. Your favorite drink? COFFEE!
8. Your dream/goal? Create
9. What room are you in? Living
10. Your hobby? Cardmaking
11. Your fear? Ticks
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Home
13. Where were you last night? ASL class
14. Something that you aren't? Outgoing
15. Muffins? lemon
16. Wish list item? studio
17. Where did you grow up? Cleveland, TN
18. Last thing you did? dishes
19. What are you wearing? jeans
20. Your TV? On
21. Your Pets? Cats
22. Friends? Lots
23. Your life? Better
24. Your mood? fine
25. Missing Someone? mamaw
The objective is to answer these questions with one word. Ok here goes:
1. Where is your cell phone? Desk
2. Your hair? Brown
3. Your mother? Tired
4. Your father? Funny
5. Your favorite food? Soups
6. Your dream last night? Non
7. Your favorite drink? COFFEE!
8. Your dream/goal? Create
9. What room are you in? Living
10. Your hobby? Cardmaking
11. Your fear? Ticks
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Home
13. Where were you last night? ASL class
14. Something that you aren't? Outgoing
15. Muffins? lemon
16. Wish list item? studio
17. Where did you grow up? Cleveland, TN
18. Last thing you did? dishes
19. What are you wearing? jeans
20. Your TV? On
21. Your Pets? Cats
22. Friends? Lots
23. Your life? Better
24. Your mood? fine
25. Missing Someone? mamaw
26. vehicle? Jeep
27. Something you're not wearing? shoes
28. Your favorite store? Papertrix
29. Your favorite color? yellow
30. When was the last time you laughed? just now
31. Last time you cried? yesterday
32. Your best friend? Kip
33. One place that I want to go to over and over? Colorado
34. Facebook? Yes
35. Favorite place to eat? Buca di Beppo
That was fun!! Thank you Mandy! You really need to jump to her blog she's a wonderful crafter! great cards and projects...
I'm going to pass this on to Angela at In My Quiet Time.
27. Something you're not wearing? shoes
28. Your favorite store? Papertrix
29. Your favorite color? yellow
30. When was the last time you laughed? just now
31. Last time you cried? yesterday
32. Your best friend? Kip
33. One place that I want to go to over and over? Colorado
34. Facebook? Yes
35. Favorite place to eat? Buca di Beppo
That was fun!! Thank you Mandy! You really need to jump to her blog she's a wonderful crafter! great cards and projects...
I'm going to pass this on to Angela at In My Quiet Time.
Blog Award,
Copic Markers,
Self Challenge
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Snow Fun
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Something New
Here's the story about the image: A couple of weeks ago when I participated in the Hanna Fans Blog Hop I found Rebecca's blog. I went back to visit again a few days later and saw this card and I loved the image on it. It reminded me of my Grandmother, she loved vintage pins, like cameos that had these types of images on them. I had to see where it came from and it was from a company that I was not familiar with but I went ahead and checked it out. The name of the company is Clearly Vintage and there were several very nice sets that I liked. I wasn't sure about ordering since I didn't know then but since they were having a sale I decided to give it a try. I am happy to report that it was a great transaction and I will be back to buy more! The stamps are lovely, they stamp clear and clean straight out of the package, the prices are reasonable and they shipped very fast. Not to mention the fact that there are several more sets that I need!
Friday Night Craft Night was great. One of the things we did was collect food for the Food Pantry. I took a picture of some of the donations we received. Thanks to everyone that brought food items. There have been so many calls for assistance that they have had a hard time keeping the shelves stocked.

Saturday, November 7, 2009
Twisted Thursday Challenge-Kraft Paper
Good Morning! It is going to be a crafty weekend for me. We had our monthly craft night last night and today I am going to an all day Crop/Cardmaking Day with a new group where I will be doing a Copic Demo. This is my entry for the S2G Twisted Thursday, and the twist was to use kraft paper or a paper bag. After pulling out my kraft paper I was looking for ribbon and other embellishments that would look good and found this ribbon and I pulled all the colors for my card from there. This image is from S2G and is called Baguettes's Accessories and was stamped with Memento ink and colored with Copic markers. I think this image is just too cute, even though I am more of a cat person (and anyone that knows me personally knows how true that is!). The ribbon is from American Crafts, flowers are Prima and the brads are from the Paper Studio.
I hope to get a lot done today at the crop. I have stamped a bunch of images and plan to spend most of my day coloring images for our Christmas cards. I have new stamps and new paper and can't wait to play with both. I took advantage of the sale on the S2G website so I have several new images from them. That was my first order, the other stamps were bought at Papertrix, and wow they have super fast shipping!! I love that about a company. Of course images available is a great selling point for me, but very close behind is service and fast shipping. I am impatient when I order stamps, I want them to just pop out of my computer or something and they were almost that fast. I will be ordering from them again. And again. I use Georgia Pacific most of the time for stamping and coloring on but I have heard so much about both Papertrey's paper and the Pure Luxury from Gina K. My paper from Gina K arrived yesterday and my friend Julie gave me a couple of sheets of the papertrey to try until I can place an order there. I am on the hunt for the perfect paper to color on, is you have suggestions, let me know.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Penguin with a Tree
If you are in the area, don't forget about Craft Night tomorrow night. We will be collecting food items for the food pantry, so please help us fill the shelves! This food pantry services the entire community and due to the economy has had many more requests than normal. Due to the holidays approaching, the calls will probably continue to rise in the next couple of months. SO if you are able, please help us restock.
Monday, November 2, 2009
My odd sense of humor
Sunday, November 1, 2009
TTC--Use Something Soft
I've had a great day today. I have gotten some more done toward getting my craft space moved. I knew this project would be a huge undertaking and that is why I had put it off for so long. Because of our work schedules, we have only been getting to do bits and pieces of it here and there. but I can see progress being made. I cannot wait to have that done. It's also been a day of cleaning and laundry, which has not been so much fun. I am making BBQ chicken pizza for dinner tonight and am waiting for the crust to finish rising before I can get it ready to go in the oven. Have a great night!
Copic Markers,
S2G Challenge,
Shirley's 2 Girls
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween!
I had a pretty low key Halloween. Kip had to work today so we didn't have any plans. He won the costume contest at his work though! Anyone else do anything exciting? Have a great night everyone and don't forget to set your clocks back.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Twisted Thursday Challenge-Add a Pumpkin
Copic Markers,
S2G Challenge,
Shirley's 2 Girls
Monday, October 26, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
S2G Blog Hop!

Thanks so much for stopping by! Now it's time to hop on over to Charlene!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Halloween Notecard
Quick post tonight, I am helping the girls with some Halloween and birthday projects and they are calling for my attention! Thanks so much for stopping by and I love reading all the encouraging comments that have been left for me.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Hanna Fans Blog Hop
Instead of sending everyone in this family an individual gift, I send family gifts. So in addition to the tin of activities, I will also send a box with supplies to do most of the activities. They are also game lovers so I will include a gift card to a toy store so that they can pick out a new game. I made the gift holder with the same paper pack and the image is done the with the same supplies as the card above.

Thanks for stopping by! The next stop on the hop is Jacquie. Here is the entire list of participants:
1. Frances http://stampowl.blogspot.com/
2. Cindy http://cindyhaffnerscorner.blogspot.com/
3. Silke http://silli-silli.blogspot.com/
4. Sandra http://paperfuntastics.blogspot.com/
5. KelliJo http://mommachull.blogspot.com
6. Mary http://alatteinkinfun.blogspot.com/
7. Gina http://ginasmakingsandmusings.blogspot.com/
8. Jacquie http://jacquiemakescards.blogspot.com
9. Kimberley S http://faerietaleswithpaper.blogspot.com/
10. Jen http://designsbyboo.blogspot.com/
11. Maria http://www.riacreations.blogspot.com/
12. Jackie http://stampingsister.blogspot.com
13. Joycelyn http://stampsncoffee.blogspot.com/
14. Joy http://daiseyfreak.blogspot.com/
15. Tracey http://www.trays-spot.blogspot.com/
16. Sparks http://sparklecreations.blogspot.com
17. Lorie http://www.thethinkinspot.blogspot.com/
18. Tanya http://lovepapernstamp.blogspot.com/
19. Laurie http://stampinvirgo5.blogspot.com/
20. Bek http://www.bloomingpink.blogspot.com
21. Janet www.corrosivecreationsbyjanet.blogspot.com
22. Kelly http://sandcastlestamper.blogspot.com/
23. Michele www.enchantedstamper.blogspot.com
24. Angela http://inmyquiettime.blogspot.com
2. Cindy http://cindyhaffnerscorner.blogspot.com/
3. Silke http://silli-silli.blogspot.com/
4. Sandra http://paperfuntastics.blogspot.com/
5. KelliJo http://mommachull.blogspot.com
6. Mary http://alatteinkinfun.blogspot.com/
7. Gina http://ginasmakingsandmusings.blogspot.com/
8. Jacquie http://jacquiemakescards.blogspot.com
9. Kimberley S http://faerietaleswithpaper.blogspot.com/
10. Jen http://designsbyboo.blogspot.com/
11. Maria http://www.riacreations.blogspot.com/
12. Jackie http://stampingsister.blogspot.com
13. Joycelyn http://stampsncoffee.blogspot.com/
14. Joy http://daiseyfreak.blogspot.com/
15. Tracey http://www.trays-spot.blogspot.com/
16. Sparks http://sparklecreations.blogspot.com
17. Lorie http://www.thethinkinspot.blogspot.com/
18. Tanya http://lovepapernstamp.blogspot.com/
19. Laurie http://stampinvirgo5.blogspot.com/
20. Bek http://www.bloomingpink.blogspot.com
21. Janet www.corrosivecreationsbyjanet.blogspot.com
22. Kelly http://sandcastlestamper.blogspot.com/
23. Michele www.enchantedstamper.blogspot.com
24. Angela http://inmyquiettime.blogspot.com
Copic Markers,
Hanna Fans Blog Hop,
Hanna Stamps,
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